About Me

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I am a theatre artist who is dedicated to integrating my dual passions: Theatre & Education. I am very devoted to helping students find their voice. It is my firm philosophy that creating theatre is crucial in shaping both individual and societal growth.

My name is Alyssa Mulligan.

I completed my undergraduate studies at the Pennsylvania State University, where I graduated at the top of my class with a B.A. in Theatre and a minor in Sociology. From stage to film, I have been fortunate to fill the roles of educator, actor, director, writer, producer, dramaturg, etc.

I was fortunate to work with the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia as the 2009/10 Education Apprentice. My experiences there included integrating the arts into K-8th grade classroom curricula, running an after-school drama program, teaching courses at the Walnut, assistant teaching at HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy, developing various study guide materials for our multiple kids shows, and understudying all of the roles for our Touring Outreach Company.

I just recently completed my M.A. in Theatre Education at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. While at Emerson College I was employed as both a Graduate Assistant to Dr. Robert Colby and in ArtsEmerson's Education/Outreach Department.

Currently, I am back in Philadelphia as a free-lance Teaching Artist working with theatre companies such as Walnut Street Theatre & Theatre Horizon. I am also employed by Darlington Arts Center as the Lead Teacher at their arts-based preschool.

Please feel free to look at my resume and samples of my work below!

Live Fully.
Laugh Often.
Love Much.

Just Be.

- Alyssa

ARTICLE: Emerson College Graduate Admissions Blog

Theatre Education Graduate Association—Bigger & Better Than Ever!

May 4, 2011
By Kathryn Cuca
Emerson’s Theatre Education program has re-charged its graduate student
base by re-activating TEGA, the Theatre Education Graduate Association. I sat down recently with Alyssa Mulligan, a first year graduate student and TEGA representative, to get the latest scoop:

TEGA Members, Photo Courtesy of Kristy Mandour

How did you become affiliated with TEGA?
I work in Performing Arts Department and heard about TEGA, and about how it had lost steam. A few other Theatre Ed grad students and I wanted to re-charge TEGA, and with Bob Colby (Theatre Ed’s Program Director), we got it back up and running. Kristy Mardour, Lindsay Weitkamp, Melissa Bergstrom and I are the TEGA representatives.
What is new about TEGA now?
We re-vamped the TEGA Constitution. Our current mission is to build a stronger community for theatre education graduate students. There are tons of clubs and groups for undergrads; not as many for grads. In addition to providing a social connection for grad students, TEGA also supports career goals and professional development needs. TEGA recently held a series of workshops for grads teaching grads. For example, Joan taught a dance class to other grad students, but at the same time, she learned leadership in the classroom. The students may or may not have a dance background, so they learn to dance. Grads in the Theatre Education Master’s program come from all backgrounds and used this opportunity to explore other areas of performance-related skills.
Another recent event was our Theatre Game Swap. We got together to share theatre games that we’ve used or seen in our experience. It’s a great way to pool our resources. Afterward, we went out for dinner to build community. We always include a social aspect with every event.
What’s on tap for TEGA?
Our TEGA End of Year Bash is coming up in May! We’re gathering to celebrate with the graduating students. We’re also inviting local artists & teachers [from] where grads have taught, so there will be a networking aspect, too.
We’re also planning an Orientation Welcome Event in the fall—we’re thinking of a clam bake or BBQ so that new incoming first year students and second year graduate students can meet and bond!
Future event ideas also include speaker events and discussion panels.
Tell me about TEGA’s First Annual Graduate Run Production:
It was actually Adam Wright’s idea—he’s a current grad student. Adam and TEGA are collaborating to launch an entirely graduate produced, directed, designed, performed production! We’re finalizing a Proposal Handbook with guidelines—it’ll be available later this spring. Proposal submissions will be due early September 2011, with a production tentatively scheduled for late Fall 2011 so that first year grads can participate.
What do you hope will come out of this event?
We hope to establish ourselves among Emerson’s student organizations and to set a precedent for future years. We will be creating a TEGA manual so that events can continue for future students. And with elections each fall, it’ll help with TEGA’s continuation so that we stay strong.
In regards to the First Annual Graduate Production, we’d like to offer all grads an opportunity to participate in the experience, add to their resume, build community, and have lots fun!